
The Humane Society reports that a healthy dog or cat is euthanized every 13 seconds because not enough people step forward to provide a loving home. Spaying and neutering reduce the number of unwanted animals in Danville, CA, and offer numerous other benefits.

Considerations of spaying and neutering

Your pet can be spayed or neutered as early as five months of age.

  • Spaying. Cats may have hundreds of kittens in a typical 15-year lifespan. A spayed cat has a lower risk of developing cancer of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands. A spayed dog or cat doesn’t have the same desire to roam the streets, which increases their safety.
  • Neutering. Aggressive behavior is common in male dogs and cats during mating. Unaltered male pets spray urine, which produces a foul odor. They’re also more likely to bite people or other animals. Neutered pets have a lower risk of prostate disease and testicular cancer.

Spaying or neutering your pet in Danville, CA

Keep your pet happy and safe. Contact the Blackhawk Veterinary Hospital at 925-736-7440 to discuss the option to spay or neuter your pet.